
The scheduler runs jobs at a specified time. On multi-node application server clusters, it is high-available: jobs will be executed on any one node of the cluster, regardless of where the job was created. Jobs are persisted to the database and survive application server restarts.


The technology stack in use is Quartz Scheduler. An instance of the scheduler is provided by dependency injection. The scheduler only runs at runlevel 3; at lower runlevels it is either paused or completely shutdown. In other words: while an application server is in maintenance (runlevel 2), it will not execute any scheduled jobs.

Java source code

To obtain an instance of the scheduler, it can be injected:

Scheduler scheduler;

The action that is run by the scheduler is called a job. It is suggested to create jobs in the com.skalio.skp.server.schedulder package. Jobs extend org.quartz.Job and can be dependency-injection-managed services or simple POJOs.

public class HelloWorldJob implements Job {
    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    public void setup() {
        // called before every job execution"I'm born!");

    public void shutdown() {
        // called after every job execution"And I'm dead again");

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {"Hello, world!");


To make a job-class useable, it must be registered with the scheduler under a unique job-key to create a job-instance (aka JobDetail). A job-key consists of two arbitrary strings: job-name and job-group.

A trigger defines when and how often a job-instance is to be executed. It must be registered with the scheduler under a unique trigger-key. A trigger-key consists of two arbitrary strings: trigger-name and trigger-group.

JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(HelloWorldJob.class)
    .withIdentity("helloWorldJob", "examples")
Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
    .withIdentity("helloWorldTrigger", "examples")
scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

A job-instance without a trigger is removed from the scheduler automatically, unless it is created durably. This allows pre-registration of jobs during application server startup.

public static void preRegister(Scheduler scheduler) throws SchedulerException {
    JobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.newJob(SimpleNotificationJob.class)

    scheduler.addJob(jobDetail, true);

Pre-registration of jobs should be done in SchedulerShutdownManager#setup(), which is executed when entering runlevel 1. When registring a job, make sure that the job either replaces a potentially existing jobKey, or explicitely deletes existing jobs and/or triggers.

At a later time, one or more triggers can be setup to reference the job.

String json = notificationService.create(Notification.Type.folder_activity)

Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
        .usingJobData(SimpleNotificationJob.JOBDATA_KEY_NOTIFICATION_JSON, json)

Date firesAt = scheduler.scheduleJob(trigger);
log.debug("Trigger {} for {} scheduled, will fire at {}", triggerKey, trigger.getJobKey(), firesAt);

In this example, the SimpleNotificationJob once triggered will receive job-instance-specific data (here: a json-encoded Notification). This jobData is persisted in the schedulers database backend. As a result, only primitive or serializable objects shall be attached to the jobData. It is also advisable to use a tolerant serialization/deserialization concept (such a JSON) to allow a potential future version of the job to still process the data that was serialized for it some time in the past.

The trigger-provided jobData is made available to the job via the JobExecutionContext#getMergedJobDataMap(). Make sure to test for NPEs.

public class SimpleNotificationJob implements Job {


    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
        JobKey key = context.getJobDetail().getKey();
        JobDataMap dataMap = context.getMergedJobDataMap();
        notificationInJson = dataMap.getString(JOBDATA_KEY_NOTIFICATION_JSON);

        if (notificationInJson == null) {
            log.warn("No notification payload found!");
            throw new JobExecutionException("No notification payload found", false);


View list of scheduled jobs

The maintenance port offers a human-readable list of currently scheduled jobs at http://application-server:8082/scheduler. Since the scheduler is high-available and cluster aware, it shows all jobs, regardless of the application server they were created on or are running on.